Venture Summit

Bread & Butter Ventures Multimedia, Social Media Investment, Finance Captured the essence of Bread & Butter’s Ventures Summit through comprehensive video and photography coverage. Delivered high-quality visuals with expert editing, sound design, and color correction to highlight the innovation and energy of the event. Instagram Linkedin

Downtown Next

Minneapolis Foundation Multimedia, Design, Digital Non Profit The project goal is to create an Downtown Report design that effectively communicates action Strategy for Downtown Minneapolis. Live Link Donwload PDF Instagram Linkedin

Talent and Culture

Minneapolis Foundation Multimedia, Design, Writing Non Profit This project involved leading the creative direction to write, design, and develop a captivating brochure, as well as produce a dynamic video, all aimed at powerfully conveying The Minneapolis Foundation’s brand message around talent and culture.” Live Link Instagram Linkedin

Teamsters Service Bureau

Minnesota Job Partners Multimedia, DesignGovernmentHighlighted the transformative work of the Teamsters Service Bureau in supporting dislocated workers by connecting them with job opportunities, providing training, and preparing them for their next career steps. Instagram Linkedin

Medspa Institute of America

Medspa Institute of America Video Editing, Cinematographer, Photography Beauty Hired to produce content for social media, including student headshots and company testimonials, along with other engaging materials. Instagram Linkedin