We are passionate about leading,
whether ahead of the pack or down
an unfamiliar path.

In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”

― Maya Angelou

Focused on evoking real emotions that consumers identify and relate to, we bring outside-of-the box thinking to problem solving. We are passionate about leading, whether ahead of the pack or down an unfamiliar path.
Creatively standing out but making sense could be our slogan.
Our multicultural background provides fresh ideas and relatable concepts to create for you content and a brand that aligns with your expected results.
Everything has character and essence. This is what we explore with every project.
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Focused on evoking real emotions that consumers identify and relate to, we bring outside-of-the box thinking to problem solving. We are passionate about leading, whether ahead of the pack or down an unfamiliar path.
Creatively standing out but making sense could be our slogan.
Our multicultural background provides fresh ideas and relatable concepts to create for you content and a brand that aligns with your expected results.
Everything has character and essence. This is what we explore with every project.

We understand

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consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Our Expertise

• Brand identity
• Messaging
• Packaging
• Collateral and sales materials
• Digital Graphics
• Presentations and demos
• Retail design
• Trade Shows
• Environmental graphics
• Web design and development
• Event branding
• Product design

Anything Video

• Concept development
• Storyboarding
• Direction
• Cinematography
• Post production
• Motion Graphics & Animation


• Talent photography
• Product photography
• Event photography
• Photo-realistic rendering

• Content marketing
• Social media marketing and management
• Email marketing
• Search Engine Optimization
• Search Engine Marketing

Our Expertise

  • Brand Identity
  • Messaging
  • Packaging
  • Collateral & Sales Materials
  • Logo Design
  • Presentations & Demos
  • Retail Design & Communications
  • Web Design & Development
  • Event Branding
  • Product Design


talent photography, product photography & event photography, Photo-realistic Rendering.


Anything Video

concept development,  storyboarding, direction, cinematography & post production, animation (2d & 3d)

  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing/Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing

Our Expertise

  • Brand Identity
  • Messaging
  • Packaging
  • Collateral & Sales Materials
  • Logo Design
  • Presentations & Demos
  • Retail Design & Communications
  • Web Design & Development
  • Event Branding
  • Product Design


talent photography, product photography & event photography, Photo-realistic Rendering.


Anything Video

concept development,  storyboarding, direction, cinematography & post production, animation (2d & 3d)

  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing/Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing

Our Expertise

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec- tetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean com- modo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penati- bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec- tetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean com- modo ligula eget dolor. Aenean
Magnis dis parturient montes, nasce- tur ridiculus musadipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean

We work on delivering unique visual solutions. Realize your new projects with Eidan.

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Visual Identity

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UI/UX Design

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Cloud Computing

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Main Developer 2020

New York Design Week, New York

CSS Design 2019

Best in Jury's Selection


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Art Direction 2018

People's Choice: Best Video Edit

Websites 2017

Webby's, Site of the Year


what drives us

Meet Our Team


Laura Dern

Main Developer

Philip Jolloph

Art Director

Ron Bradley

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Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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Premium Unfold

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Creative Production

Photography Talent Photography, Product Photography & Event Photography, Photo-Realistic Rendering

Anything Video

Concept Development, Storyboarding, Direction, Cinematography & Post Production Dnimation (2D & 3D)

Digital Marketing

Content Marketing Social Media Marketing/Management Email Marketing Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing.