American Swedish Institute

Stories, Stonework & Stewardship


Egobee was hired to curate a visual for ASI Capital Campaign to restore the historic turnblad Mansion and Carriage House.

Over nearly a century, through passionate stewardship and creativity, the Turnblad Mansion has become one of America’s premier historic houses and the heartbeat of a wide community. But, the beloved Mansion is showing its age, and the deteriorating impact of time and weather have left their marks.

$22 million campaign was launched to rehabilitate the interiors and exteriors of the Mansion and Carriage House, and to reimagine the Mansion’s interior spaces for programs, gatherings, and world-class exhibitions.

The project will restore and revive the Turnblad Mansion so that this historic home is preserved for future generations and can best serve our 21st-century visitors by sharing and prompting stories of how, through migration, people bring ideas that transform themselves and their communities. The project will also rehabilitate the Carriage House into an accessible, functional, and tasteful space for staff and volunteers that encourages creativity and collaboration.